Month: May 2016

the big friends lego set reveal

Naomi’s Cupcake shop,


another one for the  neices, ok, that  is  , th e big  reveal again,  , the  May lego for the   family  all have  birthdays in  April/ May, and  all done, all accounted for

lol, i was stremaing and i realise after the days end i dreamt i was living in the lego houses,


Parents abandon seven-year-old son in mountains of Japan “because he wouldn’t listen” — RocketNews24

Search for child lost in Hokkaido still ongoing. Japan’s northern island of Hokkaido is famous for its vast stretches of undeveloped forest and mountain ranges, which make for great locations in which to ski, hike, or camp. Unfortunately, one married couple also decided that Hokkaido’s woodlands would be the perfect place to abandon their young…

via Parents abandon seven-year-old son in mountains of Japan “because he wouldn’t listen” — RocketNews24

Join NERV’s Godzilla Division with bags, keychains. and storage bins — RocketNews24

Anime News Network’s merchandise coverage sponsored by Tokyo Otaku Mode. The only organization strong enough to take on all the Godzilla and Unit 01 crossover merchandise is U.N. NERV’s Anti-Godzilla Division. The specialized unit has a modified logo, replacing NERV’s maple leaf with the spikes from Godzilla’s back. Prospective recruits can join the battle between…

via Join NERV’s Godzilla Division with bags, keychains. and storage bins — RocketNews24

Japanese government releases SUPER weird promo ad to attract young voters【Video】 — RocketNews24

After watching this, we’re not sure if they’re actually trying to encourage young people to go the ballot box, or give them a seizure. If any of you fine people out there have been following the presidential nomination contests leading up to the next U.S. presidential election in November, you might be aware that young, first-time…

via Japanese government releases SUPER weird promo ad to attract young voters【Video】 — RocketNews24